What’s With The Pink? Breaking Down Stereotypes In A Pink Collar Ghetto!

What’s with the pink? I was recently featured in the Toronto Star in an article beautifully written by Andrea Gordon. I say beautifully because this writer “got it” and “got it” quickly. As the two of us scrambled deadlines in our own jobs, we connected for a brief but intense interview. The article was titled: Mompreneurs: Powerful business network or pink-collar ghetto? The article was inspired by a tweet from a Jolie O’Dell; a young woman who is a great writer, a techie and definitely NOT a mother. Jolie’s tweet; “Women: stop making startups about fashion, shopping, & babies. At least for the next few years. You’re embarrassing me.”

Please let’s all take her comment and disregard it whole-heartedly. She lists looking for sushi deals as part of her interests. Enough said, but do read the article of the amazing women who have started their businesses. We have ideas, visions, dreams; we employ people; we build stuff; we buy stuff; we sell stuff. That’s a simple plan this economy needs to embrace and let’s all bless ourselves lucky to live in Canada or the USA; where this is truly possible. In fact, women are God-like. We make humans and run companies, we have heart and soul, we have brains and we have muscles. There’s nothing missing from our list of ingredients.

The article has great timing with the promise I made previously about What’s with the pink? It’s been a while since I told my story of starting Moxie Trades.

I wanted to be a tradeswoman and I wanted to wear pink work boots. I like pink. I also wanted any comments from my co-workers to get out of the way so that we could get to work. Before I took my course for Women in Skilled Trades, I ran a flyer that advertised “Interior House Paining.” Truth be told, I want to paint like Debbie Travis, she is my hero!

When I went to the homes in my area to provide quotes I was asked “Where’s your Dad?” and “Who’s going to paint?” and “How are you going to climb the ladder?” I wasn’t equipped for such stupid and ignorant questions and I was asked them by women.

So, I decided to name my company Moxie Trades. Moxie is the ability to face fear with spirit and courage so that word was a no-brainer and Trades because that’s what we were going to do. I also wanted a logo that was PINK and I wanted sexy girls holding tools as my logo. I didn’t want any surprises when I showed up to your door with my boobs on. (that’s not a typo)

Our pink work boot is named Betsy (another story for another day) and she is our icon. The women in my program ALL bought men’s work boots. That’s shameful isn’t it? I would never have got an appointment with a retailer if I had a black or brown boot.

In this life, you can’t whisper to make a statement, you need to scream. I have been asked if our pink work boot is CSA or ASTM approved. This is when I have to remind everyone it’s only a colour.

What is with the pink? Historically, before the 1940’s it was suitable for boys to wear pink as it was a “decided” and strong colour. Blue was appropriate for women as it was daintier and more feminin like the Virgin Mary. Feminists have now reclaimed the colour (per wikipedia) and the Breast Cancer Society has also branded with pink. So what’s with it? Today, I think it’s the girliest colour anyone can think of. How fun is it to take male-dominated items and colour them pink. It’s a 180 degree statement. AND, I have been able to advocate for women in the trades because of my pink work boot. I have been able to have discussions about equality in the workforce because of my pink work boot. I have been able to do amazing things, travelled the world, danced in my pink work boots, and inspired women to find their moxie, in work boots or not. What a great time to do the thing you were meant to do. Find your moxie ladies…in pink, black or blue, I Dare YOU!

9 thoughts on “What’s With The Pink? Breaking Down Stereotypes In A Pink Collar Ghetto!

  1. You are so inspiring Marissa! Got me thinking, when I first started tiling setting nearly 6 years ago, I too bought size 5 men’s steel toes and wore 2 pairs of socks so they would fit, wore the plaid work jacket like them, base ball cap and didn’t really care if I wore make-up… just to blend in. Since your Moxie movement I soon realized just wearing the Betsy was empowering ( with 1 pair of socks!) I use pink tools and actually pink long sleeves under the work shirts on colder days. So What’s Up With The Pink? Pink sets me apart of the boys in the trade and I stand out! My favorite saying is ” if you look good, you feel good!” and when I wear Moxie I feel fabulous!

  2. I would buy it all in Red, which is my signature color. Pink is great, but I’m a red kinda girl. I hope I’m not the only one out there and you offer it someday! Keep it up!

  3. Hey Angela, We love RED too. We started off making four colours with the original Betsy. We had pink, red, blue and green. The red was a gorgeous red wine colour and we named her Stella – talk about a beauty!
    Unfortunately, our retailers just didn’t pick it up and so we sold them off to red fans around the world. Hopefully, one day we can bring Stella back!

  4. Ordered my very first pair of Moxie baby blue boots. I am ex-military and now that I can now choose my color and have a womens size boot …….ooooooh I can not wait. So happy to be a woman, and be able to dress like one in a male oreiented trade.

  5. Hear! Hear! Stand up and give BIG applause for MOXIE ! This is just one more fantastic example of a wonderful woman “Going for it” and “Getting it” in our mostly unequal world. I’ve known & admired many women like Marisa in my life. Being on Moxie, meeting Marissa, & reading these posts is so inspiring. I know others feel the same way. We can extend both hands to the girls and young women we meet who want to go to school, who want to work, and just need some support along the way “GOING for it”!

  6. Can we be friends? I can already tell….you rock. You had me at, ‘stelllllaaaaa’. Anyways…before reading this I sent an email to laura-lea and to the order desk, asking them to forward it to the powers that be. I now know, that would be you 😉 Please check it out…would love to hear back from you personally!



  7. Thank you! I am a Mechanical Engineer and sometimes I have to wear rated safety boots and I’m soooo tired of the ugly, manly, (and let’s face it, none-too-flattering) work boot that weighs a ton and is just plain uncomfortable. I decided a statement must be made and your boots are just the thing I need. While I’ve never been a fan of pink itself, I have to admit that just about every woman (including myself) looks sexy in pink. Please keep up the MOXIE!

  8. Just because you work with boys doesn’t mean have to dress like one. Even if someone, still in this day and age, asks you…”Does your dad own the company?” I know, it’s odd, a girl that does something and looks good doing it. On my 2nd pair of boots, the first is still in great shape after 2 years of daily use, I just wanted a 2nd look! Love the boots!

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