I Don’t Care About Your Emotions.


The reality for me is that I want acceptance and validation.  Is that the same for you?  I really do wonder.  At Moxie… the only thing that has kept me going is the gratitude and praise that I receive from our Moxie fans.  I continue to be overwhelmed with gratitude when women send me photos of themselves wearing my work boots or showing me the shoe box with the boots still inside.   I dreamed about that moment.  We have really pretty tissue paper and round hang tags. Continue reading

What’s With The Pink? Breaking Down Stereotypes In A Pink Collar Ghetto!

What’s with the pink? I was recently featured in the Toronto Star in an article beautifully written by Andrea Gordon. I say beautifully because this writer “got it” and “got it” quickly. As the two of us scrambled deadlines in our own jobs, we connected for a brief but intense interview. The article was titled: Mompreneurs: Powerful business network or pink-collar ghetto? The article was inspired by a tweet from a Jolie O’Dell; a young woman who is a great writer, a techie and definitely NOT a mother. Jolie’s tweet; “Women: stop making startups about fashion, shopping, & babies. At least for the next few years. You’re embarrassing me.”

Please let’s all take her comment and disregard it whole-heartedly. She lists looking for sushi deals as part of her interests. Enough said, but do read the article of the amazing women who have started their businesses. Continue reading